Bean and Cheese Quesadilla at Home
How to Make Bean and Cheese Quesadilla at Home
Here is the step by step process of making Bean and Cheese Quesadilla recipe with simple steps. It is a starter and also prepares for lunch as well as breakfast.Firstly prepare the veggies. Chope the onions, coriander leaves keep aside. Cut the red bell pepper into the slices. Cook the beans and add them to the onions, mixture adds some salt and pepper, mix well. Add it to the tortillas and cook till they become crisp.
400 grams red kidney beans4 flour tortillas
1 cup cheese
200 grams bacon diced
2 green chili peppers
1 garlic clove
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
2 chopped onions
Salt to taste
1. Clean the beans and cook for 5 minutes. Then kept in the bowl add some salt and mash with the fork. Add some pepper and tomato sauce, mix once.2. Chop the bell pepper into the slices. And also chope the onions. Heat the pan with oil and add the onions and chopped bell pepper.
3. Add some salt and cook for 5 minutes. Keep aside or mix with the beans.
4. To prepare quesadilla, lat it on the flat surface. Add some beans and onion mixture to it spread throughout the tortilla. And add the chopped coriander leaves.
5. And also add the chopped cheese. And cover with another tortilla.
6. Like this prepare the remaining tortilla.
7. Heat the pan with oil. Add the prepared quesadilla to the pan.
8. Cook for 5 minutes on the medium flame. Carefully turn the quesadilla using the spatulas.
9. And cook another side for 4 minutes. Cook till they become golden color and crisp and then remove. And prepare remaining quesadilla.
10. Finally, the Bean and Cheese Quesadilla recipe is ready to serve hot and enjoy.
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